BareEnough Sphynx Cattery
BareEnough Sphynx BareEnough Sphynx Cattery is an LLC. My Cattery is permitted through the County of San Bernardino. I have yearly checks of the Cattery through the Health Dept Veterinary Services. My Cattery is a safe and healthy Cattery with healthy and well...
Chat-Elle cattery
Chat-Elle cattery I’ve been a passionate about animals since my childhood. I started in the breeding of cats here are almost 15 years now, more or less. I started with the Exotic breed short and long hairs to then added the Sphynx after about 4 years of...
Mon Sphynx Cattery
Mon Sphynx Cattery MonSphynx, born in 2010, TICA registered, our mission is to grow small balls of healthy skin. All our breeders are tested health regularly (MHC, FIV, FELV, PCR …) The Sphynx is a hyper sociable cat, whether with children, other cats, dogs or...
Bludreams Cattery
Bludreams Cattery Breeder of sphynx registered TICA since 2014 our mission; produce quality, sociabilized and healthy kittens. Our breeders are tested annually CMH, FIV, Felv. Kittens are raised without a cage in a stimulating home environment and stay with their mum...